Maeya Art Festival
01/23 to 02/10,2015
Rolling Hills Estate, CA
The 2015 Maeya Art Festival Artist:Rongxin Ge (葛荣鑫)
Display time: Jan.23-Jan.25, 2015 (click photo to see larger image)


葛荣鑫,1958年生于河北平泉。河北现代美术研究会副会长,中国书画联谊会河北分会副秘书长、紫麟阁画院院长。2003年11月9日应邀在北京人民大会堂作画,受到王光英、何鲁丽等国家领导人的亲切接见。《山西日报》、《山西晚报》报道称:“河北画家葛荣鑫八尺长宣的《惊波三山动》,那一条条技法出新的鱼,凸显勃勃生机。” 2007年为纪念党中央进驻西柏坡60周年,他的水墨鲤鱼《圆波处处生》参加全国政协礼堂"百名知名画家美术作品展",同时受到张思卿等国家领导人的接见。新华社《人物周报》、《山西日报》、 《石家庄日报》、《燕赵晚报》、《中国视野》、《中国新闻》、《中华儿女》等报刊对他的水墨画做了介绍,其大量幅作品被国内外友人、机构收藏。
Mr.Rongxin Ge
Born in Pingquan, Hebei province, China in 1958, Rongxin Ge is the Vice Chairman of Hebei Contemporary Art Research Institute and the President of Zilingge Painting Institute. On November 9, 2003, Rongxin Ge was invited by China’s Great Hall of the People to do a live painting demonstration for the state leaders. His eight-foot traditional painting Shocking Waves and Three Moving Mountains was appraised by the public as vigorous and innovative. In 2007, his painting of carps Circle Waves was included in the “100 Well-Known Painters’ Art Gallery” Exhibition in the CPPCC Auditorium. His traditional paintings have been introduced by and included in multiple newspapers such as People’s Weekly, Shanxi Daily, Yanzhao Evening Post, and so on. Most of his paintings have been collected by domestic and international organizations and friends.