Maeya Art Festival
01/23 to 02/10,2015
Rolling Hills Estate, CA
The 2015 Maeya Art Festival Artist:Hanling Dang (党汉岭)
Display time: Jan.23-Jan.25, 2015 (click photo to see larger image)


党汉岭,笔名华 鹰、华 生。现为河北省书协美协会员、石家庄市美协理事等。幼习书画,数十年执着追求,曾拜名师指教,中国书画函大和河北老年大学毕业。人物、山水、花鸟兼习,尤爱画鹰。笔下之鹰英武、豪迈、威猛、雄强。鹰画作品构图巧妙,意境深邃,形神兼备,气势博大。曾策划组织“鹰之歌文学艺术作品展”,主编其作品集上、下册等。筹建鹰文化研究机构,以弘扬鹰文化、传承民族书画艺术为己任。
Mr.Hanling Dang
Born in China, Hanling Dang is now the member of Hebei Calligrapher Association and Hebei Artist Association. As the director of Shijiazhuang Artist Association, Hanling Dang started painting since his childhood. Graduated from China Calligraphy and Painting Correspondence University and Hebei Elderly University, Hanling Dang works predominately on the paintings of figures, landscape, flowers and birds, especially eagles. His paintings of eagles are unique in composition and excellent in both form and spirit. He also planned and organized the “Song of Eagle” Literature and Art Exhibition. Two collections of eagle painting were issued under his general editorship. Currently Hanling Dang is preparing to establish a research institute about eagle culture in hope of inheriting the traditional calligraphy and painting art and promoting the eagle culture.