安纪云,1954年出生,河南省获嘉县史庄镇人,自5岁开始学习书画,经多年研习,首创双掌运行速成国画。其方式为,双手戴手套,蘸墨汁,双掌同时运行,6至8秒内,在宣纸上能画出具有齐白石、徐悲鸿风格的山水、鱼、虾、蟹、马、白菜等作品。他这种独创的手套画画、用原生态黄河泥黄河水双掌书画已获得国家专利。2005年在全国“悲鸿杯”书画大赛中获得“特别荣誉奖”等奖项。 Mr.Jiyun An Born in Henan Province, China in 1954, Jiyun An started to learn calligraphy and painting since he was 5 years old. After years of study, Jiyun An originally invented a unique painting method to complete a traditional Chinese painting within a very short time by using both hands. The method works when both hands wear a special glove and dip the ink, then draw on the Chinese art paper at the same time. Within six to eight seconds, a traditional Chinese painting of Baishi Qi’s style or Beihong Xu’s style can be completed. These traditional paintings are of landscape, fish, shrimp, crab, horse or cabbage. Jiyun An’s original painting method with gloves and natural mud and water from Yellow River has won him a national patent. In 2005, Jiyun An received the Special Recognition Award at the National “Beihong Xu” Calligraphy and Painting Completion.