Maeya Art Festival
01/23 to 02/10,2015
Rolling Hills Estate, CA
The 2015 Maeya Art Festival Artist:Ju Liu (刘菊)
Display time: Jan.23-Jan.25, 2015 (click photo to see larger image)

 刘菊,女,笔名:秋艺、珑菲阁主人。1949年生人,中国名家书画院常务副院长、中国国际工艺美术师协会理事、中原书画院院士、北京华夏国艺书画院院士、河北省美术家协会会员,河北省书法家协会会员,石家庄市老年书画研究会副会长。其获奖代表作品有:《长城脚下》、 《太行山中白云泉》、 《梦中太行》、 《泉涧远鸣图》、 《浩气雄风》、 《太行浩气》和《云山风雨后》等。曾被授予“中华文化传承人”、“感动中国•中华杰出功勋书画家”和“中国书画名人”荣誉称号,是中国百名书画家签约画家之一。
Born in 1949 in China, Ju Liu is one of the “100 Chinese Signed Calligraphers and Painters”. She works predominantly in the medium of painting. Her paintings are widely recognized by authority and have been received national and international awards. Her painting The Foot of the Great Wall has won the Golden Award at the Sino-British International Painting and Calligraphy Art Exhibition. Other award-winning paintings include A Spring of White Clouds in The Taihang Mountain, Taihang in Dream, Yunshan after Wind and Rain and so on. With these paintings, Ju Liu is honorably titled as “Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Celebrity”, “Chinese Outstanding Calligrapher and Painter” and “Chinese Culture Heritage Inheritor”.