李世文,1943年出生于天津武清,1967年毕业于河北大学哲学专业。现为国家一级美术师,中国书协会员,河北省老年书画研究会副会长兼秘书长。书法创作见长于行草,作品入选中国(天津)第二届书法艺术节和全国首届老年书法展,以及多次省级以上展览,并被国家博物馆、中央文献研究室、西安碑林博物馆、国家体育馆(鸟巢)等单位收藏。2002年,由河北美术出版社出版书法作品集。还曾参加与日本、韩国、泰国、法国、美国的书法艺术交流活动。 Mr.Shiwen Li Born in Tianjin, China in 1943, Shiwen Li is one of the Chinese First-Class artists. Graduated from Hebei University in 1967 with the philosophy degree, Shiwen Li is now a member of China Calligrapher Association and the Vice President of Hebei Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute. Shiwen Li works predominately in cursive and semi-cursive scripts in Chinese calligraphy. Shiwen Li’s calligraphy works were selected to be included in multiple national and provincial art exhibitions, such as the 2nd China (Tianjin) Calligraphy Art Festival and the 1st National Elderly Calligraphy Exhibition. His calligraphy works have been collected by National Museum, National Stadium (aka the Bird's Nest), and Xi’an Bolin Museum. In 2002, Shiwen Li’s calligraphy collection was published by Hebei Art Publisher. He has participated art exchange activities in Japan, Korea, Thailand, France, and the United States.