Maeya Art Festival
01/23 to 02/10,2015
Rolling Hills Estate, CA

The 2015 Maeya Art Festival Artist:Shuyun Zhou (周树云)
Display time: Jan.23-Jan.25, 2015 (click photo to see larger image)



周树云,河北魏县人,1940年生。现为中国神剑文艺学会会员,河北摄影家协会会员,河北美术家协会会员。凭着对中国传统绘画艺术的挚爱和天赋的艺术慧心,她孜孜不倦笔耕不辍地习练绘画,她的作品涉猎广泛,她尤擅花鸟,以牡丹最为灵气,她笔下的牡丹千姿百态,无一雷同,以千变万化的逼真感跃然纸上,在艳丽洒脱中蕴涵着端庄。多年来她创作了大量的美术作品,多次获奖,并被多家报刊,网络和书画典集刊登。2008年出版了【周树云国画牡丹】专集,2010年举办了个人画展 ,2011年出版了周树云花鸟画集,2013年6月又举办花开富贵-----周树云国画牡丹展

Ms.Shuyun Zhou
Born in Weixian, Hebei province, China in 1940, Shuyun Zhou is currently a member of Hebei Artist Association, Hebei Photographer Association and China Excalibur Literature and Art Society. She has devoted herself in Chinese Traditional Painting for years. Her paintings are of very wide range. She is particularly good at paintings of flowers and birds, especially painting of peonies. Her works have been received many awards, and selected to be included in many newspapers and collections of calligraphy and painting. In 2008, Shuyun Zhou’s “Shuyun Zhou – Chinese Traditional Painting of Peonies” Collection was published. In 2010, she held a gallery exhibition of her paintings. In 2011, her “Shuyun Zhou – Chinese Traditional Painting of Flowers and Birds” Collection was published. In June 2013, she held another gallery exhibition of her paintings of peonies.