谭天:原名谭长有,号白云山人,河南泌阳人,1953年1月生。著名书法家,中国书画家协会理事、中国书画艺术家创作中心理事。他创作的行草书法作品大气浑然、苍劲有力,用笔如行云流水,洒脱飘逸,颇受书法界关注。荣誉包括“中华名人”、 “二十一世纪著名书画家”、 “当代杰出书画艺术家”、 “当代书画百强”、“中国现代书画百名最具影响力的人物”等。作品入编《当代中国书画艺术博览》、《中国书画名家精品集》等。 Mr.Tian Tan Born in Henan Province, China in 1953, Tian Tan is one of the notable calligraphers in China. As a member of China Calligrapher and Artist Association as well as China Calligraphy and Painting Art Center, Tian Tan works predominately in cursive and semi-cursive scripts in Chinese calligraphy. His calligraphy works are vigorous, forceful, elegant and free, and have been widely recognized by the calligraphy industry. With his achievement, Tian Tan is honorably titled as “The Chinese Celebrity”, “Notable Calligrapher in 21st Century”, “Excellent Calligraphy Artist in Contemporary Era”, and one of the “100 Most Influential Figures in Chinese Modern Calligraphy and Painting”. His works have been included in Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Expo, China’s Master Painters and Calligraphers’ Collections, and so on.