Maeya Art Festival
01/23 to 02/10,2015
Rolling Hills Estate, CA
The 2015 Maeya Art Festival Artist:Yunjiang Gong (龚云江)
Display time: Jan.23-Jan.25, 2015 (click photo to see larger image)

   龚云江,又名龚云,字墨緣,祥龙阁主人,河北石家庄人,共产党员,一级警督,专业画家。现担任中国书画名家协会理事、李苦禅大师第一代传人、国际保护民间文化艺术组织主席团主席、国家一级美术师、世界教科文卫组织特聘副主席和中国国际书画艺术家协会副会长等职位。青年时代随李苦禅大师学中国传统花鸟画,中年研习西洋画,近年来研习崔子范、吴冠中、赵贵德等大家画艺,吸取众家所长,主张继承传统、脱俗创新,形成了“书法构成,书意表现,抽象变形, 中西合壁”画鹰的多种技法,造就了自己的独特艺术风格,开创了中国绘画史上一条崭新的画鹰之路。其作品多次获奖,曾获世界孔子文化艺术金奖、中国艺术飞天奖和第七届文华艺术政府奖“文华奖”最佳成就奖等等。其作品多次参加国内外大型展览,多幅作品被国家领导人及美国、加拿大、东南亚、北京、山东、新疆、江苏、安徽、甘肃等地收藏家收藏。
Mr. Yunjiang Gong
Born in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China, Yunjiang Gong is one of Chinese First-Class Artists. As the first generation descendant of Master Kuchan Li, Yunjiang Gong spent his adolescence studying the traditional paintings of flowers and birds. He started leading the western painting at his middle age. Yunjiang Gong advocated gathering advantages from all aspects and being innovative while inheriting the traditions. With his hard working, Yunjiang Gong has formed his own unique artistic style and techniques to paint eagles. This East-meets-West style of painting has opened up an entirely new way of paintings of eagles in China. Yunjiang Gong’s paintings have been received many awards from domestic and international awards such as the Golden Award of World Confucius Cultural Art Award and China Art Flying Apsaras Award. His paintings have been exhibited in many countries and collected by state leaders and professional collectors from the United States, Canada, and Southeast Asia.